Pux Ballyhoo Cider is Vegan Friendly

by Pux Cider
Address: 1051 Harding St
Conklin, Michigan, 49403
Phone: (616) 899-2298
Email: https://www.facebook.com/puxcider/
URL: http://puxcider.com/
Checked by: Liz
Double checked by:
Added: over 5 years ago

Company email (October 2019)

"Our products contain none of those [non-vegan products.] We use pectic enzyme for settling of solids, potassium metabisulfite to control fermentation and to preserve freshness, yeast, Fermaid K from Lallemand for a yeast nutrient, and potassium sorbate to preserve freshness and inhibit re-fermentation. Our filter process is via natural settling and membrane filters. And we are the only ones who make and package our products."

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