Zuidam Caramel Cream Liqueur is Not Vegan Friendly

by Zuidam Distillers BV
Address: Smederijstraat 5
5111 PT Baarle Nassau
The Netherlands
Phone: 0031 1350 78470
Email: info@zuidam.eu
URL: http://zuidam.eu/en/home.htm
Checked by: Suzanne
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Added: about 8 years ago

Company email (January 2017)

"Behalve de caramel cream liqueur (deze is ondertussen niet meer in productie) bevatten onze producten geen dierlijke ingredienten, filtratie middelen nog hulpstoffen... we produceren alles zelf"

[Translation: "Except for the caramel cream liqueur (which is not in production anymore) none of our products contain ingredients, means of filtration or excipients (**not sure whether this word is correct**) of animal origin... we produce everything ourselves"]

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