Zuidam Distillers BV has some vegan options

Address: Smederijstraat 5
5111 PT Baarle Nassau
The Netherlands
Phone: 0031 1350 78470
Email: info@zuidam.eu
URL: http://zuidam.eu/en/home.htm
Checked by: Suzanne
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Added: about 8 years ago

Products by Zuidam Distillers BV:

Company email (January 2017)

"Behalve de caramel cream liqueur (deze is ondertussen niet meer in productie) bevatten onze producten geen dierlijke ingredienten, filtratie middelen nog hulpstoffen... we produceren alles zelf"

[Translation: "Except for the caramel cream liqueur (which is not in production anymore) none of our products contain ingredients, means of filtration or excipients (**not sure whether this word is correct**) of animal origin... we produce everything ourselves"]