Bella Vineyards is unknown
Address: | 9711 West Dry Creek Rd Healdsburg, CA, 95448 USA |
Phone: | 866-572-3552 |
Fax: | |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Ear |
Double checked by: | Richard |
Added: | almost 15 years ago |
Double Checked: | about 9 years ago |
Products by Bella Vineyards:
Company email (December 2015):
"In general we do not use any animal products in our winemaking but we have upon occasion done an egg white fining of our wines. I would say on the order of 1 wine every third vintage. In the process of fining, the materials used precipitate out of the wine, but the products are used in the winemaking process."
Company Email:
"While Bella Vineyards is not certified as vegan in any way, generally speaking we do not use animal products in the production of our wines. According to the winemaker, occasionally eggs are used in the filtration process, but this is quite rare."