Biltmore Estate Wines is NOT vegan friendly

Address: 1 Approach Road
Asheville, North Carolina, 28803
Phone: 800-216-3898
Checked by: Amy
Double checked by: Susan, Melissa, Lauren, Jennifer
Added: almost 15 years ago
Double Checked: almost 8 years ago

Products by Biltmore Estate Wines:

Company email (February 2017):
"None of our wines are considered vegan-friendly, as we use yeast and egg whites in the production process of all of our wines."

Company email (November 2012):
"We will typically treat our red wines with egg whites. The wines however are filtered after the treatment removing the egg whites.

Our white and rose wines are typically not treated with egg whites. If you are worried about animal products coming in contact with the wine, our Biltmore white and rose wines would be fine to consume."

Email from Melissa:
"Just an FYI turns out their wine is clarified with egg whites, so it's not vegan. Went on a tour and found out so I thought I would share"

Company email:
"We use eggs."

Company email:
"I am not at the Estate or involved with the wine making. I do know that they use egg whites for everything. I am not sure about the rest." (editor note: the rest may refer to other non-vegan products)