Eagles Nest Winery & Cottage is vegan friendly

Address: 18261 Chablis Road
Ramona, CA, 92065
Phone: 760-505-8229
Email: info@eaglesnestwinery.com
URL: http://eaglesnestwinery.com
Checked by: AngelA
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Added: about 15 years ago

Products by Eagles Nest Winery & Cottage:

Company Email:
"Our wine does not contain any of the foods/compounds you listed. Some wineries use fining agents - others like Eagles Nest choose to not fine their wines.

Since we rack our wines (let the lees gravity settle) to clarify them, we do not find it necessary to fine them. This process is natural and does not require use/addition of proteins or chemical compounds. Fining and filtering of wines is a style choice of the winery & winemaker.

Of additional interest, Eagles Nest practices nature-friendly sustainable farming. We return vineyard trimmings and wine making wastes (skins seeds stems) to the vineyards, use organic compounds, an even use Olde English Southdown Baby Doll Sheep (miniatures) for our weed control so we do not need to use chemical herbicides and can limit costly manual weeding."