Papi Wines has some vegan options

Address: 186 Parish Drive
Wayne, New Jersey, 07470
Checked by: Jazmine
Double checked by: Hannah
Added: almost 4 years ago
Double Checked: almost 3 years ago

Products by Papi Wines:

Compay email (February 2022)
"In Papi red wines, gelatin of porcine origin is used for treatment.

However, in our White and Pink wines, we have been able to replace clarifiers of animal origin, using only those minerals (such as bentonite) and / or vegetables (such as potato or pea proteins).

Unfortunately, the removal of animal products in the treatment of red wines has been complicated, because they are not only used to "clarify" them, but also to selectively extract compounds that are not palatable to the palate. This second function is not performed well for these clarifiers currently available on the market, but, to the extent that appear news, we are permanently evaluating and tasting them."

Company email (March 2021)
"In Papi red wines, gelatin of porcine origin is used for treatment.

"However, in our White and Pink wines, we have been able to replace clarifiers of animal origin, using only those minerals (such as bentonite) and / or vegetables (such as potato or pea proteins)."