Deerfield Ranch Winery is vegan friendly
Address: | 1310 Warm Springs Rd Glen Ellen, CA, 95442 USA |
Phone: | 707-833-2570 |
Fax: | |
Email: | |
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Checked by: | Information from company directly |
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Added: | over 15 years ago |
Double Checked: | about 15 years ago |
Products by Deerfield Ranch Winery:
Vegan Friendly
Company emailed us with:
"Love the website and thank you for the effort. I’m a vegan and I sat down with our winemaker recently and talked with about vegan wines. He told me that our winery ( ) uses bentonite for clarifying and does not use egg whites or other animal products. On top of that we are also certified organic growers and specialize in making clean wine (no active sulfites or histamines) that anyone can drink. "