Bieler Family Wines has some vegan options

Address: 100 St. Helena Hwy (Hwy. 29) South
St. Helena, California, 94574
Checked by: Maureen
Double checked by: JD, Rachelle
Added: over 6 years ago
Double Checked: about 5 years ago

Products by Bieler Family Wines:

Company email (September 2019)
[Parent company sent PDF showing La Jassine and Sabine Rosé as vegan and Bandol Rosé as non]

Company email (July 2018)
"The Bieler wines are vegan but not all the wines produced at the winery are so I suppose that there's always the chance for cross contamination from others. If someone is super allergic probably best not to drink ours"

Company email (July 2018)

"The answer is no, we aren’t using any proteins to fine [Bieler Père et Fils Rosé] anymore. We don’t label it as vegan because in the winery there are some wines that do use these proteins in the fining so I guess you never know if cross contamination happens but for our rosé we don’t. If you are deathly allergic I guess avoid for the reasons I note but we aren’t for this wine."