Warburn Estate Pty Ltd is NOT vegan friendly

Address: 700 Kidman Way
Tharbogang, New South Wales, 2680
Phone: 02 6963 8300
Fax: 02 6962 4628
Email: info@warburnestate.com.au
URL: https://www.warburnestate.com.au/
Checked by: Catherine
Double checked by:
Added: over 8 years ago

Products by Warburn Estate Pty Ltd:

Company email (October 2016)

"Egg white and skim milk powder are used in the finning process of wines. Small amounts are used which then are filtered out. Traces of each may remain so we are required by law to state this on the label of wines which have used these products during the production process. There are also Sulphites contained. All of our Gossips and Rumours products are manufactured and bottled here in the Griffith Region."