DV8 Cellars is vegan friendly

Address: 28 Anacapa, suite C
Santa Barbara, California, 93101
Phone: 805-966-6601
Email: info@dv8cellars.com
URL: http://www.dv8cellars.com/
Checked by: Alex
Double checked by: Tish, Phalyn
Added: almost 9 years ago
Double Checked: over 5 years ago

Products by DV8 Cellars:

Company email (September 2019)
"Our wines are not fined and are vegan friendly."

Company email (September 2018)
"Our wines are not fined at all and are 100% vegan."

Company email (March 2016)

"Our wines are made at only our winery in Santa Maria and we do not fine the wines so they are 100% vegan."