Carr Vineyards and Winery is vegan friendly

Address: 414 N. Salsipuedes St.
Santa Barbara, California, 93103
Phone: 805-689-3569
Checked by: Markus
Double checked by: Tish, Phalyn
Added: over 10 years ago
Double Checked: about 5 years ago

Products by Carr Vineyards and Winery:

Company email (September 2019)

"Yes, our wines are vegan-friendly."

Company email (September 2018)
"All of our wines are vegan and do not use any animal products."

Company email (September 2014)

"The answer to all of your questions is no. Our wines are Vegan friendly.

[Questions were:
1) Does your wine contain any animal ingredients (such as milk, eggs, honey, etc)?
2) Are animal products used in the processing and/or filtration of the wine (such as isinglass, gelatin, etc)?
3) Is your wine manufactured or bottled anywhere else in the world (by a sub-licensee, for instance) that might use a different processing system, thus making them unsuitable for vegans?]"