Arrowleaf Cellars has some vegan options

Address: 1574 Camp Rd
Lake Country, British Columbia, V4V 1K1
Phone: (250) 766-2992
Fax: 250.766.9081
Checked by: Chelsea
Double checked by: Company, Tara
Added: about 11 years ago
Double Checked: over 3 years ago

Products by Arrowleaf Cellars:

Tara's phone conversation (August 2021)
"We are vegan friendly"

Company email (April 2020)
"We have made the switch to plant-based fining agents for all our wines. The only remaining wine that is not vegan-friendly is the 2018 Field Collection White."

Company email (August 2013):
"We do use gelatin, egg white and casein fining agents. I will be testing new plant based fining agents this coming year. If the trials are successful, we will switch to plant based fining agents in the future."