Coturri Winery is vegan friendly
Address: | 6725 Enterprise Rd., PO Box 396 Glen Ellen, CA, 95442 USA |
Phone: | 707-525-9126 |
Fax: | 707-542-8039 |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Chris |
Double checked by: | |
Added: | about 17 years ago |
Double Checked: | about 15 years ago |
Products by Coturri Winery:
Vegan Friendly
Chris says:
"They don't self-identify as vegan, but they are. They make wild, untamed wines with nothing added but grapes, and nothing taken away (no fining or filtering). They don't even add yeast, because it occurs naturally on the grapes."
Information on the process can be found here.