Terroir Wine Group has some vegan options

Address: 1228 E. 7th Avenue, Ste 314
Tampa, Florida, 33605
Phone: (813) 397-3976
Email: info@terroirwinegroup.com
URL: http://terroirwinegroup.com/
Checked by: Troy
Double checked by: Company, Christopher
Added: over 11 years ago
Double Checked: about 4 years ago

Products by Terroir Wine Group:

Christopher notes (February 2021) that the Pablo Claro Tempranillo has the EVU vegan logo on the label.

Company email (December 2015):
"Hi, we would love to be listed on your site with our Lobetia Organic Wines, 99 Rosas, Pablo Claro and Dulce Venganza brands... All the wines are organic, vegan and Pablo Claro is Biodynamic"

Company email (July 2013):
"We do not use egg whites or any animal products in the Pablo Claro or Lobetia wines."