Domaine Bousquet is vegan friendly

Address: Ruta 89 S/N Km 7
Tupungato, Mendoza
Phone: +54 9 261 527 4048
Checked by: Yolanda
Double checked by: Company, Sara, Medora
Added: almost 12 years ago
Double Checked: over 3 years ago

Products by Domaine Bousquet:

Update (May 2021)

Their website has a vegan logo on it now.

Company email (October 2013):
"this was the case about 5 year ago [see March 2013 response below] but we have changed to Bentonite which not from animal, the person who wrote it was an intern."

Company email (October 2013):
"I saw our wines, on your web site and I saw that it says we are not vegan friendly, but in fact we are, we do not use any animal products for fining."

Company email (March 2013):
"We do use egg whites for red wines in very small quantities.
We do use Bentonite (bentonita en español) for whites and rosés. Bentonite comes from mineral origin.
Our products are produced in Tupungato-Mendoza-Argentina."