Vincente Gandia is NOT vegan friendly

Address: Ctra Cheste to Godelleta s / n º
Chiva, Valencia, 46370
Phone: +34 96 252 42 42
Fax: +34 96 252 42 43
Checked by: Tania
Double checked by: Adam
Added: about 12 years ago
Double Checked: over 5 years ago

Products by Vincente Gandia:

Company email (July 2019) via Aldi re: Sandara sangria:
"Yes, during the clarification process we use betonite (that is a vegan product) but we also use gelatin that comes from animal concretely from pork (that's why it can not be declared as a vegan product)"

Company email (June 2019) via a distributor:
"The winery, Vicente Gandía, does not use animals in the processing of the Sandara Premium Sangria. They use Bentonite for the fining of the wine part of their Sangria."

Company email (November 2012):
"En lo que respecta a su primera pregunta: contiene ingredientes provenientes de los animales como leche, huevos, cualquier carne animal o, tal vez, miel? La respuesta es no, nuestros vinos son 100% vino.

Su segunda pregunta: En el proceso de la filtración, han usado otros productos provenientes de los animales como gelatina, huesos carbonizados (bone char) o ictiocola (que viene del pescado)? Bueno, en la fase de clarificación empleamos gelatina como clarificante pero, le puedo asegurar que en el proceso se elimina completamente del vino con lo cual, cuando llega el vino al consumidor no tiene absolutamente ningún resto de éste aditivo.

En su tercera pregunta: ¿Cuáles son los ingredientes de su marca? A lo que llamo ingredientes puesto que es una bodega y solo desarrollamos 100% vino los ingredientes a mi entender son los siguientes: vino blanco, vino rosado, vino tinto, vino de licor de Moscatel, cava, vino tinto ecológico, vino rosado ecológico, vino blanco ecológico."

[Google translation] "With respect to your first question: contains ingredients from animals such as milk, eggs, or any animal flesh, perhaps, honey? The answer is no, our wines are 100% wine.

Your second question: In the process of filtration, have used other products from animals such as gelatin, bone char (bone char) or isinglass (fish coming)? Well, in the clarification stage we use gelatin as fining but I can assure you that the process is completely eliminated thus wine when the wine reaches the consumer has absolutely no trace of this additive.

In your third question: What are the ingredients of your brand? What I call ingredients since it is a winery and wine only develop 100% of the ingredients in my opinion are: white wine, rose wine, red wine, Moscatel wine liqueur, champagne, organic red wine, rose wine ecological organic white wine."