Charles Shaw has some vegan options

Address: Bronco Wine Company PO Box 789
Ceres, California, 95307
Phone: (209) 538-3131
Fax: (209) 538-4634
Checked by: Alisha
Double checked by: Irene
Added: about 17 years ago
Double Checked: over 12 years ago

Products by Charles Shaw:

Company email (September 2012):
[regarding Charles Shaw Blend White Zinfandel 2011 from Bronco Wine Company)]
"Unfortunately, it is not vegan friendly."

Note from Alisha:
"I did call and talk to someone named Ed. He assured me that no casein, eggs, etc. are used ever in either white or red Charles Shaw wines. He did say that occasionally gelatin is used in the whites' refining processes, but that it is removed from the end product."