Dreaming Tree Winery has some vegan options
Address: | Geyserville, California USA |
Phone: | 1-855-839-2962 |
Fax: | |
Email: | customerservice@dreamingtreewines.com |
URL: | https://www.dreamingtreewines.com/ |
Checked by: | Caralyn |
Double checked by: | Jessica, Eden, David, Bobbi, Louis |
Added: | almost 13 years ago |
Double Checked: | almost 4 years ago |
Products by Dreaming Tree Winery:
Vegan Friendly
Not Vegan Friendly
Not Vegan Friendly
WARNING: this company tends to change every year, see history below.
Company email (March 2021)
"The fining of our wines is not a standard operating procedure. We fine our wines only when necessary. When fining, we use a combination of Cross-Flow filtration and traditional animal based fining agents. Because of this, I would have to say that our wines are not considered Vegan."
Company email (December 2020)
"We do not use any of the ingredients [in the Barnivore standard question] in the making of The Dreaming Tree wines. Also, we do not bottle this wine outside of our own facility in California. [Listing only their 2019 vintage as vegan as the answer keeps changing]
Company email (December 2018)
"Our wines at Dreaming Tree are not vegan."
Company email (June 2017)
"...all of our wines are vegan, as well as gluten-free."
BUT THEN on followup...
"One of our standard fining agents contains Micronized potassium casseinate [casein is milk protein], food grade gelatin, egg albumin and other food grade components."
Company email (March 2012):
[Same as Jan 2012, below...]
Company email (January 2012):
"One of our standard fining agents contains Micronized potassium casseinate [casein is milk protein], food grade gelatin, egg albumin and other food grade components."