Castello Di Amorosa is NOT vegan friendly
Address: | 4045 North Saint Helena Highway Calistoga, California, 94515 USA |
Phone: | (707) 942-8200 |
Fax: | (707) 942-2103 |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Tara |
Double checked by: | Robin, Michele, Hana, Hannah |
Added: | over 13 years ago |
Double Checked: | over 3 years ago |
Products by Castello Di Amorosa:
Not Vegan Friendly
Company email (May 2021)
"We do not consider our wine Vegan. We do fine with egg whites."
Company email (December 2018)
"This question has come up before and our wines are not vegan. All of our wine is made here at Castello di Amorosa Winery and purchased here at the winery."
Company email (September 2017)
"It is very hard for any winery to say if a particular wine is vegan (excluding creatures that may come in with the grapes from the vineyard) as there may only be one barrel in a lot that can contain a few to hundreds of barrels depending on the size of a winery’s production, that is treated with something that is an animal product or derivative. There may also be none treated, making that lot vegan. Unless a winery directly advertises that they are vegan, you cannot assume that any wine fully is vegan as it can be difficult for a winemaker to go back through their records of each wine from each year to see if even a single barrel had been treated, which would make a wine non-vegan by most standards." [So.... no?]
Company email (May 2017)
"From the research I have done, unfortunately it is safer to say that the Castello is not vegan- friendly."
Company email (July 2011):
"According to our winemaker, of all the fining products available from animal sources, we do often use very low levels of isinglass in our white/rose wines, we do on occasion use milk protein in the white/rose wines and only extremely limited use of gelatin in the reds."