Grgich Hills Estate has some vegan options

Address: 1829 Saint Helena Highway
St. Helena, California, 94574
Phone: 707-963-2784
Checked by: Ryan
Double checked by: Elizabeth, JL, Michele
Added: almost 15 years ago
Double Checked: over 7 years ago

Products by Grgich Hills Estate:

Company email (September 2017)
"Our wines are currently vegan. We do not use any fining agents." [Note that in cases where they used to be non-vegan and don't give specifics, we use the latest available vintage to differentiate, which looks to be 2015 from their site]

Company Email (January 2011):
"Our wines are not vegan as we do fine them with egg whites."

Company Email (August 2010):
"Our wine is fined(sediment filtered out) using egg whites. Our chemist tells me that all of the egg white
settles out as well but it does come in contact with the wine."

Company Email (June 2010):
"Our chemist assures us that everything settles out, but we do use egg whites to fine our wine."