Viewpointe Estate 2011 Pinot Grigio is Not Vegan Friendly

by Viewpointe Estate Winery
Address: 151 County Rd. 50 East
Harrow, Ontario, N0R 1G0
Phone: 1-866-372-VIEW
Checked by: Kaitlin
Double checked by:
Added: almost 13 years ago

Company email (May 2012):
"Viewpointe wine does not contain any animal ingredients.
For the most part, our fining agents are not animal product based. We did make use of a fining agent, of which one component is soluble casein, in processing three of our wines. They are: 2008 Sauvignon Blanc, 2011 Pinot Grigio, and 2011 Sauvignon Blanc. THESE ARE THE ONLY WINES WE USED THIS FINING AGENT ON.
We are an estate winery, and as such, grow and use our own grapes. We do all of our production activities here at the winery.
For our bigger volume bottling, we utilize Colio Winery, in Harrow, Ontario, as our co-packer. Our finished wines (the wine itself) are not processed by Colio whatsoever. Sterile filtration is employed in all bottling operations."

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