21st Amendment Fireside Chat (can) is Vegan Friendly

by 21st Amendment Brewery
Address: 563 Second St.
San Francisco, CA, 94107
Phone: 415-369-0900
Email: info@21st-Amendment.com
URL: http://21st-amendment.com/
Checked by: Kevin M
Double checked by: Caroline
Added: about 13 years ago

Company email (January 2012):
"All packaged beers available in the market are vegan...no animal products used in production or fining or packaging.

The pub draft beers sometimes use animal fining's and honey...these would be beers on draft at our San Francisco restaurant only."

Company Email:
"I would like to assure you that our current selection of beers are 100% free of any animal parts or byproducts. We do occasionally brew our Oyster Point Oyster Stout that uses oystershells in the boil to extract calcium, but other than that I try to keep all of our beers 100% vegan friendly."

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