Tou is Vegan Friendly
by Ringnes | |
Address: | Thorvald Meyers gate 2 Oslo, 0555 Norway |
Phone: | +47 22 06 95 00 |
Fax: | +47 22 06 97 70 |
Email: | |
URL: | |
Checked by: | Per |
Double checked by: | Tobias |
Added: | about 13 years ago |
Company email (January 2012):
Translated: "I can assure you that we do not use anything of animal origin in the production of our beers. This goes for all our brands, and breweries, including Ringnes, Frydenlund, Arendalspils, E. C. Dahls Pils, Bodøpils and Nordlandspils."
Company email regarding Arendalspils, December 2011:
"Arendals pils blir filtrert gjennom kieselguhr, et materiale somstammer fra koraller. Det er heller ingen andre animalske ingredienser i Arendals pils, så produktet er vegan-vennlig."
Google translation: "Arendals beer is filtered through kieselguhr, a material that derived from coral. There is no other animal ingredients in Arendal beer, so the product is vegan-friendly."
Editor's note: The kieselguhr he mentions is a diatomaceous earth product, from single celled aquatic plants.
Company email regadring E.C. Dahls Pils, December 2011:
"Takk for henvendelsen. Jeg kan berolige deg med at det ikke benyttes noe animalsk i vår ølproduksjon."
[Google translation]: "Thank you for your inquiry.
I can reassure you that it does not use any animal in our beer."
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Vegan Friendly
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Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly
Vegan Friendly