Biddenden Strong Kentish Cider (Vintage) is Vegan Friendly

by Biddenden Vineyards
Address: Gribble Bridge Lane
Biddenden, Kent, TN27 8DF
Phone: 01580 291726
Fax: 01580 291933
Checked by: Robin
Double checked by: Dianne, Isabel
Added: about 13 years ago

Company email (July 2019):
"...all of our wines are vegan!" [Note: they also make mead, which is from honey]

Dianne notes (March 2012):
"The Monks Delight cider has honey in it, so isn't suitable for vegans."

Company email (February 2012):
"Thank you for your enquiry with regards to our ciders. We do not use any animal ingredients or animal products within the cider or any of the processes. Our cider is only manufactured on site at our vineyard."

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