Kozel (Czech Republic) is Vegan Friendly

by Plzeňský Prazdroj
Address: U Prazdroje 64/7 301 00
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 222 710 159
Email: info@prazdroj.cz
URL: http://www.prazdroj.cz/
Checked by: Kelly
Double checked by: Martin, Pedro
Added: about 13 years ago
Double Checked: over 7 years ago

From their website https://www.prazdroj.cz/en/1232-welcome-to-kingswood-a-new-brand-of-cider-makes-its-way-to-the-czech-market-bringing-with-it-a-taste-of-cool-summer, retrieved August 2019) re Kingswood Cider:

"thanks to its content it might be consumed by vegetarians, vegans, and consumers on gluten-free diet."

Company email (June 2017)
"Bitte entschuldige die späte Antwort. Wir haben
für Dich recherchiert – folgende Produkte aus unserem Portfolio sind
vegan zertifiziert:
1. Pilsner Urquell, 4,4%
2. Gambrinus Premium, 5,0%
3. Kozel Dark, 3,8%
4. Grolsch Premium Lager, 5,0%
5. Peroni Nastro Azzuro, 5,1%
6. Miller Genuine Draft, 4,7%"

[Google translation: "We have for you researched - the following products from our portfolio are Vegan certified..."]

Company email (February 2012)

"we do not use any animal ingredients in the whole brewing process - either not in the filter - for filtering we use the diatomite."

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