Yalumba 2009+ Galway Vintage Barossa Shiraz is Vegan Friendly

by Yalumba Wine Company
Address: Eden Valley Road, PO Box 10
Angaston, South Australia, 5353
Phone: +61 8 8561 3200
Fax: +61 8 8561 3393
Email: info@yalumba.com
URL: http://yalumba.com/
Checked by: Tarja
Double checked by: Kimmi, Pippa, Michelle, Danielle, Hayden, Denise, Jackie, Adam, David
Added: about 13 years ago
Double Checked: over 6 years ago

Company website (October 2022)
Vegan Wine symbol for Wild Ferments Shiraz

Company email (April 2020)
"The Vegan Wine Project is a series of vegan friendly wines that are sustainable, ethical, better for the environment, and can be enjoyed by everyone."

Company email (July 2018)
"You can be assured that all Yalumba wines have been vegan since the 2012 vintage. However I have attached a list as well as some wines were vegan even earlier than that."

Company email (May 2017)
"All Yalumba wines have been vegan friendly since the 2011 vintage."

Hayden notes (November 2015) that the 2013 Galway Shiraz says vegan on the label.

Company email (February 2014): re: Museum Antique Tawny
"Unfortunately, since your last inquiry three years ago, our fortified wines have not yet reached vegan status, the current batches on the market still contain a small amount of gelatine. Although probably of little consolation, the residual amount is very small and still exceeds the reportable level of 2 mg/L, that is, 4 mg/L in our Antique Tawny and 8 mg/L in our Museum Muscat.

Although we ceased using animal products in our fortifieds in 2010, the nature of our production involves considerable backlog of stock, meaning it will be sometime before these wines reach a level that can be declared vegan-friendly - I'm sorry to say this will possibly take a further 2-3 years for our Antique Tawny and 4-5 years for our Museum Muscat.

Once they do become vegan/vegetarian-friendly, we will be including in our list of wines."

Note from Michelle (January 2013):
"I have discovered Yalumba wineries who make a large range of fabulous vegan wines." [PDF included showing vintages through 2011. Please contact them for a copy of the PDF file.}

From the company, January 2012:
"From 2011, all Yalumba and Hill-Smith Family Vineyard wines have been produced as vegan and vegetarian friendly. [PDF also included of past vintages]"

Editor's note: They sent a detailed PDF of all their vegan wines dated December 2010. Please contact them for your copy of the PDF.

Company email:
"Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and enquire about our wines. We have several wines that are vegan-friendly and do not use any animal-derived fining agents, I have attached our list for you. Please note that not all vintages of the same wine are suitable for vegans (only the ones listed) and some of the older vintages may no longer be available in the stores. A few of these may not be available in the US.

The entire Oxford Landing range is now vegan-friendly as well as all of our Yalumba 2 litre red wine casks. Also, the entire Yalumba Y Series range starting from 2010 vintage is vegan (some Y Series wines from previous vintages were also vegan, you will see them on the list)."

Company email (June 2010):
"...I managed to obtain the Yalumba list of vegetarian- and vegan-friendly wines. See attached PDF"

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