Ludlow Best (draft) is Not Vegan Friendly

by Ludlow Brewing Company Ltd.
Address: The Railway Shed
Station Drive, Ludlow, SY8 1DJ
Phone: 01584 873291
Checked by: George
Double checked by: Bones
Added: over 13 years ago
Double Checked: about 12 years ago

Company email (October 2012):
"Our draft beers aren’t, however, our bottles are vegan free as we use no finnings in them.
We are the only company that makes our beers, no where else does."

[Thanks for that, just to double check - the beer that is bottled is not fined before bottling is it?}

"No it isn’t, it goes straight from the fermenting vessel to be bottled. We fine the [beer] after it is barrelled up."

George says (July 2011):
"I spoke to Gary (one of the owners), who told me that they currently use "fish scale" to clarify all of their beers. One of the brewery staff also told me that what goes into their bottles is the same as goes into the casks. Hence, both cask and bottle beers from Ludlow Brewing Company are not suitable for vegans."

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