Alain Jaume Domaine Grand Veneur Côtes du Rhône Les Champauvins. is Vegan Friendly

by Kysela Pere et Fils, Ltd
Address: 331 Victory Road
Winchester, Virginia, 22602
Phone: (540) 722-9228
Checked by: Kaci
Double checked by: Ivy, Myndi
Added: about 3 years ago

Company email (January 2022)re: Alain Jaume Domaine Grand Veneur Côtes du Rhône Les Champauvins.
"We are not certified VEGAN, but we could as we don't use any beef, pork, eggs or anythings in the process."

Ivy Notes (January 2021)

"Sarah Schurtz Lewis responded back stating that a number of their wineries are certified vegan, most which are currently not on Barnivore. The included wineries are: Gessinger, Lyrarakis, Mas Sinen, and Nuna." [We've reached out directly to each vineyard for additional confirmation]

Company email (August 2015)

"Chateau Hallet Sauternes is 100% vegan-friendly."

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