Sandeman Porto Imperial Reserve is Not Vegan Friendly

by Sandeman
Address: Apartado 3032
Avintes, 4431-852
Phone: +351-227 838 104
Fax: +351-227 835 769
Checked by: Augusto
Double checked by: Medora
Added: over 4 years ago

Updated November 2020 based on the "suitable for vegans" flags on the product pages of

At present, NONE of Sandeman's products are considered safe for vegans.

Company email (May 2017) re: Sandeman
"De acordo com enólogo, este vinho não é tratado, em nenhuma fase, com nenhuma substância derivada de animais, incluindo o mel."

[Google Translation: "According to an oenologist, this wine is not treated, at any stage, with any substance derived from animals, including honey."]

Company email (February 2013):
"If you are looking for a vegan-friendly Port you can choice the Sandeman Vintage (all vintage crops) and Sandeman LBV.

All the other range is treated (fined) with gelatin from animal origin. Hope in the future we can use only vegetal gelatin.

Sandeman Ports are exclusively produced and bottled in Portugal."

Other products by Sandeman: