Leopold Bros. Aperitivo is Not Vegan Friendly

by Leopold Bros
Address: 5285 Joliet Street
Denver, Colorado, 80239
Phone: 303-307-1515
Email: https://www.leopoldbros.com/contact
URL: https://www.leopoldbros.com/
Checked by: Michaela
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Added: over 5 years ago

Company email (October 2019)

"We can confirm that following Leopold Bros. spirits do not contain any animal byproducts. None of these products are made with, or are filtered through wool or other animal byproducts:

Leopold's Silver Tree American Small Batch Vodka
Leopold's American Small Batch Gin
Leopold's Navy Strength American Gin
Leopold's Summer Gin
Leopold Bros. American Small Batch Whiskey
Leopold Bros. Maryland-Style Rye Whiskey
Leopold Bros. Straight Bourbon
Leopold Bros. Absinthe Verte

The following spirits contain honey:

Leopold Bros. Maraschino Liqueur
Leopold Bros. Three Pins Alpine Herbal Liqueur

The following spirit contains cochineal, a completely natural scarlet dye made from crushed insect:
Leopold Bros. Aperitivo"

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