Monteith's Goldsmith Dry Cider is Vegan Friendly

by DB Breweries
Address: 1 Bairds Road, Otahuhu, Manukau
Auckland, 2025
New Zealand
Phone: (+64) 9 259 3000
Fax: (+64) 9 259 3001
Checked by: Karin
Double checked by: Nicole, Atlanta, Kama, Bryce
Added: over 5 years ago

Company email (December 2023) re: Export Gold
"Isinglass is used as a processing aid in Export products. In theory this is removed during filtration.
No other animal based products are used."

Company email (June 2019)
"You can consume our ciders with confidence. They are vegan-friendly."

Company email (January 2017):
"Our Monteiths Crushed Apple Cider is Vegan friendly"

Company email (circa 2011)
"I am pleased to say that ingredients of animal origin are not added to Monteith’s Crushed Apple or Crushed Pear Cider. I have double checked with the production people and can confirm no animal products are used in the manufacture of Monteith's Crushed Apple Cider from the crushing of the apples to the final product."

Company email:
"All Heineken and Amstel products we produce are free of the use of fining products.
With respect to other products for the large part we do not use finings but we cannot guarantee that they will be always free of fining products because we may from time to time use fining products for improving beer quality during brewing.
We do not use egg, dairy or honey ingredients in any beers we brew _EXCEPT_ Monteith's Summer Ale , where the use of Rata Honey is mentioned on the label."

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