Sharp's Sea Fury Special Ale (cask) is Not Vegan Friendly

by Sharp's Brewery
Address: Pityme Industrial Estate, Rock
Cornwall, PL27 6NU
Phone: 01208 862121
Checked by: Ian
Double checked by: Jason, Donna, Niki, Sonia, Richard, Andrew, Phil, Jean-Paul
Added: over 6 years ago
Double Checked: over 1 year ago

Company email (November 2023) re: Doom Bar Keg
"Suitable for vegetarians YES
Suitable for vegans YES"

Company email (June 2022)
"Thank you for your recent enquiry, as it stands Solar Wave Hazy IPA is our only accredited vegan product. We're always looking at alternative brewing methods for all our products and production sites.

Company email (June 2022)
"Unfortunately, we cannot state that any of our products are vegan friendly, due to the brewing process used"

Company email (January 2019)
"None of our beer is certified vegan friendly, so we can't recommend you drink them... Due to our brewing process we can't guarantee there won't be cross contamination."

[Read the notes and draw your own conclusions; if a company says they're not vegan friendly for any reason, Barnivore respects their wishes and won't tell people otherwise -ed]

Company email (October 2018)
"Unfortunately, all of our products are not suitable for vegans, as isinglass is used in the brewing process for all of our products."

Company email (May 2018) re: Doom Bar
"We can confirm that Doom Bar is not certified as being suitable for vegans."

Company email (May 2013):
"All Sharp's bottled beers are suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Our cask beers, like the vast majority of cask beers, are clarified using Isinglass so are not suitable for vegans and vegetarians"

Company email:
"Only our bottled beers are vegi-friendly, the cask ales are all fined with isinglass. "

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