Keweenaw November Gale Pale Ale (can) is Vegan Friendly

by Keweenaw Brewing
Address: 408 Shelden Ave
Houghton, MI, 49931
Phone: (906) 482-1937
Checked by: Jason
Double checked by: Lisa, Elliot
Added: over 13 years ago
Double Checked: almost 12 years ago

Company email (March 2013):
"All our canned products are vegan friendly. We physically filter our beer rather than use isnglass for clarifying. However the same can't be said of those other beers served in our taproom.

Vegan Friendly:
Pick Axe Blonde Ale
Red Jacket Amber Ale
Lift Bridge Brown Ale
Widow Maker Black Ale
Olde Ore Dock Scottish Ale
November Gale Pale Ale

These are currently available across MI, WI and in the Twin Cities."

Company email: Feb 2011
"All our beers, with the exception of the Hefeweizen, have isinglass."

Company email: Dec 2010
"At this point only our seasonal hefeweizen is isinglass free. However, by this summer our canned products, Pick Axe Blonde, Red Jacket Amber, Lift Bridge Brown, Widowmaker Black and Olde Ore Dock Scottish Ale will be filtered rather than clarified w/ isinglass."

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