Deschutes Hopzeit Autumn Ale is Vegan Friendly

by Deschutes Brewery
Address: 901 SW Simpson Ave.
Bend, Oregon, 97702
Phone: (541) 385-8606
Checked by: Kevin
Double checked by: Eric, Daynna
Added: about 7 years ago

From their FAQ (, retrieved February 2018)
"We do not use animal products in the cellaring or brewing process. The clarifying agent we use in our brewhouse is made from Irish Moss, a red algae. However, experimental beers brewed at our pubs sometime use lactose, isinglass, honey or other specialty ingredients, but we call it out in the description listed on the menu."

Company email (circa 2010)
"We do not use any of the ingredients you’ve listed below. We stay away from any animal bi-products and all of our ingredients are natural. We primarily use water, hops, yeast & malted barley in our brews. In some of our reserve series brews aged in barrels, we use additional ingredients like blackstrap molasses, brewer’s licorice, cocoa nibs & coffee & one of our brews uses sour cherries from WA state. Instead of gelatin or isinglass, we use a natural irish moss called breakbright."

Company email:
"All of our beers are vegan. We don't use honey or filter our beers with isinglass."

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