Lefebvre Moerder Overste is Vegan Friendly

by Brasserie Lefebvre s.a.
Address: Chemin du Croly, 54
B-1430 Quenast
Phone: +32 (0)67-67 07 66
Fax: +32 (0)67-67 02 38
Email: info@brasserielefebvre.be
URL: http://www.brasserielefebvre.be/
Checked by: Ofek
Double checked by: Greg
Added: almost 7 years ago

Company email (December 2017)
"Mes excuses pour la réponse tardive, nous n'utilisons pas de produit d'origine animale directement dans nos recettes. Nous avons tenté de vérifier cette information pour tous les agents entrant dans la composition de nos bières auprès de nos différents fournisseurs. Visiblement, ceux-ci n'en utilisent pas non plus.

"Mis à part la Barbãr, nous n'avons donc aucune trace d'ingrédients d'origine animale, mais nous ne possédons aucune certification pouvant l'attester."

[Translation: "Sorry for the late answer, we don't use any animal products in our recipes. We tried to check this information for the ingredients we buy from outside sellers and they apparently don't use any animal either.

"So apart from the Barbãr, we have no traces of animal products but we don't have any certificate to prove it."]

Note from Ofek (April 2014):
"i'm writing this mail to let you know that the beer "barbar" and "barbar bok" from the Lefebvre Brewery in belgium are not vegan friendly, to my disappointment. as a matter of fact i havent sent any mail to the company since it's website says explicitly that both of the beers contain honey."

"Deep blonde in colour, Barbãr’s creamy head gives off a powerful aroma, unobtrusively scented with honey and accompanied by..."

"A solid and expressive brown ale, Barbãr Botha's inherited its original recipe, based on malt, soft wheat and honey, from its famous big sister."

and as you can see on the website: http://www.brasserielefebvre.be/en/product/4/barbar-bok#/product/resized/4_barbarbrn-bouteille-et-verre-pt.jpg

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