Ridgeway Bitter is Not Vegan Friendly

by Beer Counter Ltd
Address: 6 Chapel Close, South Stoke
Reading, RG8 0JW
Email: office@beercounter.co.uk
URL: http://www.ridgewaybrewery.co.uk/
Checked by: Chris
Double checked by: Adam
Added: about 7 years ago

Company email (December 2017)
"...we do use animal products for filtration and though none are present in the final product, strictly speaking are not suitable to vegans."

Company email (October 2012):
[when asked if Ridgeway beers are suitable for vegans]
"The answer is in fact "no".

We use isinglass finings in cold conditioning tank. None whatsoever ends up in the finished beer (tested by the EU gov't a couple of years back) but whether that is ok or not depends on whether it is the consumption or use of the material that is important to the individual in question.

We do have one vegan beer which is Ridgeway Organic. It is not imported into the US because of the seemingly deliberately awkward position of the US organic regulators who for many years have refused to accept any other nation's certification standards for organic foodstuffs."

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