Hastings Best is Vegan Friendly

by Hastings Brewery
Address: 12 Moorhurst Road
St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN38 9NB
Phone: 01424 850961
Email: info@hastingsbrewery.co.uk
URL: http://hastingsbrewery.co.uk
Checked by: Company Contacted Us!
Double checked by: Them again!
Added: almost 14 years ago
Double Checked: about 13 years ago

Company email (January 2012):
"I notice that you list individual beers on there. Would it be possible to list our current regular beers? Here's a list:
Hastings Best
Hastings Blonde
Hastings Pale Ale
Hastings Special Bitter
Hastings Porter"

Company email:
"Could you please add our brewery Hastings Brewery to your list of vegan beers?
I'm a vegan myself, and all our beers are vegan: we use no animal products whatsoever in the production of our beer."

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