Thomas Creek Octoberfest is Vegan Friendly

by Thomas Creek Brewery
Address: 2054 Piedmont Hwy
Greenville, SC, 29605
Phone: 864.605.1166
Checked by: Cody
Double checked by: Angela
Added: almost 15 years ago

Company Email:
"There are absolutely none of the following in any of the Thomas Creek beer brands: honey, lactose, milk, isinglass, gelatin, or any other animal byproducts. All of our Thomas Creek brands are 100% vegan. "

Company Email:
"There are absolutely none of the following in any of the Thomas Creek beer brands: honey, lactose, milk, isinglass, gelatin, or any other animal byproducts. All of our Thomas Creek brands are 100% vegan. Please be aware that we contract brew a few brands as well and they fall into the non-vegan categories. The include Orange Blossom Pilsner & Orange Blossom Pilsner Squared. Both contain Orange Blossom honey, but they are under different brand names than the Thomas Creek beers."

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