Luxardo Limoncello is Vegan Friendly

by Girolamo Luxardo S.p.A.
Address: Via Romana 42
35038 Torreglia (Padova)
Checked by: Steven
Double checked by: Josh, Nico, Zsanett, SWW, Chris
Added: almost 15 years ago
Double Checked: about 3 years ago

Company email (March 2019) re their Bitters
"I am happy to let you know that all Luxardo products are Vegan friendly"

Company email (October 2017)
"We can confirm that Limoncello is suitable for vegans. Our product is manufactured only at our plant in Torreglia (Pd) Italy."

Company Email (circa 2009):
"I can confirm that our products do not contain or are made with animal product.
We have only one product that has cream inside but it is produced in a separate area of the company using specific machinery and filtering units only for this product."
Reply from Nico:
"While I was awaiting your answer, I found following quote on Wikipedia:
"Honey is also part of the ancient recipe." (Source:
I hope you understand that I feel insecure when I combine this quote to your statement. So please let me ask for further qualification: Why does the Wikipedia article mention honey as an ingredient? Is it because the traditional recipe contained honey, but your recipe has been developed to what it is today?"

Company Reply (circa 2006):
"I have no idea why in Wikipedia they put honey in the Maraschino, maybe they were using the honey because it is a sweetener and in the past was easier to find than sugar, today life is easier and we do not use Honey but sugar, and we do not use other animal ingredients in our liqueurs.

The recipe for the Maraschino is easy, Cherry distillate, sugar, alcohol and natural flavours no other ingredients."

Company Email regarding Maraschino: May 2010
"I am happy to tell you than not only our Maraschino is suitable for vegans but it is also Kosher so extremely pure, as you know a product to be kosher its production has to be checked from the beginning through the end."

Company Email when asked about Amaretto and Limoncello: 2006
"There are no animal products used in our liqueurs, and the alcohol is filtered with carton filters."

Other products by Girolamo Luxardo S.p.A.: