Rainstorm 2015 Silver Linings Rosé is Not Vegan Friendly

by Pacific Rim Winemakers
Address: 308 SW First Avenue
Portland, Oregon, 97204
Phone: (503) 863-5453
Fax: (866) 552-5903
Email: info@pacificrimandco.com
URL: https://www.pacificrimandco.com
Checked by: Terese
Double checked by: Cheryl, Company
Added: almost 8 years ago

Company email (December 2016):
"Rainstorm Winery – All wines are vegan except the Rose from 2015 used milk
Silver Totem – Vegan!
Sweet Bliss - Vegan!

Also, please note that the 2016 vintage will mark Pacific Rim’s commitment to going vegan and the Dry Riesling will no longer be an issue!"

Company email (September 2011):

"The Riesling Made From Organic Grapes is vegan friendly. They only wine currently in our lineup that would not be is the Dry Riesling."

Company Email:
"All our wines with the exception of the “Dry Riesling” would be vegan. There is a small amount of isinglass used on that one, but no others. Our winemaker actually posted a brief blog comment about this a few years ago, http://rieslingrules.com/the_book/about-our-wines/vegan-wine/"

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