Chloe Chardonnay is Vegan Friendly

by Chloe Wine Collection
Address: Livermore, California
Checked by: Karissa
Double checked by: Claudia, Elie, Marinette, Theresa
Added: over 8 years ago
Double Checked: almost 5 years ago

Company email (May 2020)

"Our Chloe wines are still Vegan friendly, and we do not use animal-based fining agents in these wines. We do not use any dairy products in the production of Chloe wines.

"The statement we use regarding our products and whether they may be Vegan friendly or not is general in nature and is not specific to all our products. One reason we adopted this approach was based on the many and varied definitions of what ingredients were considered to be Vegan friendly and were not."

[Even with that caveat, whether or not skim milk is vegan isn't really up for debate, and they now say they don't use dairy at all, so we're going with green for now and assuming the Nov 2019 answer was too general for the Chloe line.]

Company email (November 2019)
"Our production team says some skim milk is used in the fermentation process... All of our wine is made with this process."

Company email (March 2019)
"Our Chloe wines are still Vegan friendly and we do not use animal based fining agents in these wines. The statement we use regarding our products and whether they may be Vegan friendly or not is general in nature and is not specific to all our products."

[Note: Chloe Wines are made by The Wine Group LLC, which makes a range of products]

Company email (May 2018)

"Many of our wines are made using processing agents that contain materials derived from animals, such as gelatin derived from pork or skim milk powder derived from cows... As such we fo not claim our wines to be vegan."

Company email (December 2016)

"We can confirm that all the Chloe varietals are vegan friendly."

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