Santa Julia Reserva Tempranillo 2015 is Vegan Friendly

by Santa Julia Winery
Address: Ruta Provincial 33, KM 7,5 (M5531)
Maipu, Mendoza
Phone: (54) 261 4410000
Checked by: Brett
Double checked by: Danielle, Karla, Leeanne
Added: over 8 years ago

Company email (May 2020)

" can confirm that most of our products are Vegan friendly and Santa Julia Brut Rose in particular is included in this category. No animal product were used during clarification/filtering process."

Company email (November 2016)
"This is the list of wines vegan friendly

Santa Julia Organica
Santa Julia Reserva

"All these wines doesn´t contain any animal ingredients (such as milk, eggs, honey, etc) nor animal products are used in the processing of the product. All the Santa Julia are bottled in our winery in Mendoza, Argentina."

Company email (September 2014)

"I am afraid to let you know that there are some wines that we have used products containing eggs to filter them, though this is a very expensive treatment. But because of this reason and because we are aware of vegan consumers we are starting to stop this use of products, as you may know some of our wines are from past vintages and have been already bottled so those are the wines my colleague Juan Ignacio was talking about. For next vintages you will be able to try our wines because they will be with no traces of this kind of products!

Our Vegan Friendly Wines arriving into Dan Murphy’s by the end of this year:

Santa Julia Orgánico Malbec 2014
Santa Julia Orgánico Cabernet 2014
Santa Julia Orgánico Chardonnay 2014"

Note from David (April 2014):
"I noticed that Barnivore states that Santa Julia Wines is vegan friendly however on the label of a Santa Julia Syrah Rose bottle it says that it is produced with the aid of egg products. I've tried to contact the company directly but their website appears to be down. This is the particular product I'm talking about if it helps"

Company email (January 2012):
"We don't use any ingredients of animal origin. Our products are produced just in our winery in Mendoza, Argentina"

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