Runaway Winter Saison is Vegan Friendly

by The Runaway Brewery
Address: 9 -11 Astley St
Stockport, SK4 1AW
Phone: 0161 832 2628
Checked by: James
Double checked by: Company, Tom, Phil
Added: over 8 years ago
Double Checked: about 1 year ago

Company email (February 2024)
"All of our beers are unfined (so no isinglass used in the brewery).

Our beers are almost all produced without the use/addition of animal derived products and where we do use ingredients such as honey or lactose it is explicitly stated on the label / website. "

Company email (August 2023):
"Cheers, Thank You Pale is vegan friendly."

Company email (October 2020)
"The following beers (listed on barnivore) are now vegan friendly as we no longer use isinglass in their production:

Pale Ale
American Brown Ale
Smoked Porter
Double IPA"

Company email (November 2016)

"We have a couple of beers which are vegan, mainly seasonal. Both come in bottles and occasionally in key keg...

Winter Saison 6.3% (Oct - March)
Summer Saison 4.2%
ESB (Extra Special Bitter) 5.8% Yr Round
Gingerbread Stout 6.3% (Nov/Dec)
Marzen Lager 5.4% (Bottle only, yr round but not always available)

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