Black Abbey Five Points is Vegan Friendly

by The Black Abbey Brewing Company
Address: 2952 Sidco Drive
Nashville, Tennessee, 37204
Phone: (615) 755-0070
Checked by: Meg
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Added: over 8 years ago

Company email (June 2016)

"I admit my ignorance about what is qualified as vegan or vegetarian.

"I can share with you that our beer is made using barley, hops, water and yeast. Sometimes wheat, rice and corn and some simple sugars. We do not use eggs, honey, etc, nor do we use animal products such as gelatin or isinglass.

"Our beers are brewed in Nashville TN at our brewery and no other place.

"Our beer is not certified organic or vegan. We have not applied for or been awarded any special designation for our production methods that would allow us any claim to a preferential label, but to the best of my knowledge, which is admittedly limited, I would say that our beer is vegan."

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