Rhinegeist Exum is Vegan Friendly

by Rhinegeist
Address: 1910 Elm Street
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202
Phone: 513-381-1367
Email: community@rhinegeist.com
URL: http://www.rhinegeist.com/
Checked by: Desh
Double checked by: Richard
Added: over 8 years ago
Double Checked: almost 3 years ago

Company email (May 2022)
"95+% are. The fining agent we use is silica based and we don’t use gelatin or isinglass for several different reasons.

We did brew an oyster stout over at our innovation brewery recently but that is extremely limited release (taproom only) as well as being well labeled and obvious that it was made with oyster (shells)."

Company email (June 2016)
"In the very early years, we used Isinglass in the process, but abandoned its use in favor of something else that is vegan-friendly.

"Only two other beers that we have made otherwise would not be vegan-friendly and those are Mushuushu and Bertha, which both contain lactose derived from milk.

"We have yet to brew any beers with honey, but if we do, it will be clearly marked as a 'honey beer.'

"Our beer and cider are only produced at our Cincinnati facility, and no place else."

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