Wild Rose Velvet Fog is Vegan Friendly

by Wild Rose Brewery
Address: AF23, 4580 Quesnay Wood Drive SW
Calgary, Alberta, T3E 7J3
Phone: 403-720-2733
Email: wild@wildrosebrewery.com
URL: http://www.wildrosebrewery.com/
Checked by: Tara
Double checked by: Daryle, Mary
Added: about 15 years ago
Double Checked: over 11 years ago

Company email (August 2013):
"Our cask ale is indeed vegan friendly, it is not fined with gelatin or isinglass but with a product called Biofine, which is silica based."

Company email:
"Our beer does not contain any animal ingredients and we use diatomaceous earth for filtration (fossilized algae).
Our WRaspberry Ale has real raspberries and our Alberta Crude Oatmeal Stout has, you guessed it, oatmeal. Other than those exceptions we use malted barley and wheat, water, yeast and water to craft brew our beer."

Company email:
Wild Rose beer is made from barley, hops, yeast and water; there are no additives or preservatives. Our wheat beers have the extra ingredient of ..., you guessed it, wheat! All of our beers, except the Velvet Fog (a non-filtered wheat beer) are filtered through a DE filter (diotomaceous earth, a non-toxic, safe substance made up from crushed fossils of freshwater organisms and marine life.)

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