Geaghan Bros Smiling Irish Bastard is Vegan Friendly

by Geaghan Bros Brewery
Address: 570 Main Street
Bangor, Maine, 04401
Phone: 207-945-3730
Checked by: David
Double checked by: Calvin
Added: almost 9 years ago
Double Checked: over 7 years ago

Company email (July 2017)
"An overwhelming majority of our products are vegan friendly. The exception for our core brands would be our Presque Isle Blonde which is an American Blonde Ale made with fresh local honey.

"Our process does not use any compounds or chemicals that come from animals or animal byproducts."

Company email (March 2016)

"All of our beer except for the Presque Isle Honey Blonde (made with honey), are vegan-friendly. We are a small brewery who only distributes currently within the state of Maine. "

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