Beck's Gold is Vegan Friendly

by Becks (Brauerei Beck GmbH & Co)
Address: Am Deich 18/19 28199 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 509 40
Fax: +49 421 509 4667
Checked by: Johanthan
Double checked by: Becksta, Bilby, Michael
Added: about 15 years ago
Double Checked: almost 7 years ago

Company email (May 2018)
"Da wir uns in Deutschland selbstverständlich an das geltende
Reinheitsgebot halten, sind alle unsere Biers rohstoff-seitig nur auf Basis
von Wasser, Malz, Hopfen und Hefe hergestellt.

"Letztere führen wir in der Brauerei ausschließlich mittels hauseigener Würzen, die ebenso nur aus den o. g. Zutaten hergestellt werden.

"Somit können wir ausschließen, dass die Herstellung unserer Biere auf Basis tierischer Stoffe geschieht.

"Ferner verzichten wir aktuell auch auf den Einsatz von kasein-basierten Leimen, um die Etiketten an die Flaschen zu kleben."

[Google translation: "As we in Germany, of course, to the applicable Purity requirement, all our beer are raw material-sided only on basis made of water, malt, hops and yeast.

"The latter we carry in the brewery exclusively by in-house Seasoning, which also just from the o. G. Ingredients are produced.

"Thus, we can rule out that the production of our beers Basis of animal substances happens.

"Furthermore, we are currently refraining from the use of casein-based Glue to glue the labels to the bottles."]

Company email (circa 2011)
"According to the German Purity Law only finings are admitted that act purely absorptive and which must be fully removable. Among these are (non animal) silica gels and PVPP. Other animal finings like isinglass or enzymatically acting finings like papain or chemically acting finings can be permitted in other countries but not in Germany.

"Since our beers are brewed according to the German Purity Law, they are all vegan products."

Company Email (circa 2006):
"Additionally, the following foreign beers are produced under licence by LNA:

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