Foursight 2009 Zero New Oak Charles Vineyard Pinot Noir is Vegan Friendly

by Foursight Wines
Address: 14475 Highway 128, PO Box 523
Boonville, California, 95415
Phone: (707) 895-2889
Fax: (707) 895-3124
Checked by: Company
Double checked by: Sheila, Sarah
Added: about 11 years ago

Company email (February 2014):
"Indeed all of our wines are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, always have been and always will be. We were the winery to get the TTB to accept the term for wine labels in 2011. We have been listing ingredients (grapes and sulfur dioxide or grapes, tartaric acid and sulfur dioxide) as well as "suitable for vegetarians and vegans" on some wines starting with the 2010 vintage. With the bottling of the 2012 vintage and beyond all our wines will have both statements."

Company email (January 2014):
"We make all our wines on-site, and we do not use any animal-derived products in any of them. We are 100% vegan and vegetarian friendly."

Company email (circa 2010)
"We’d love to be added to your list of Vegan Wines. We are a new winery and use no animal products in our wines, ever (the wines that we fine, currently just one, uses bentonite, from clay). We are also sustainable and use natural winemaking on most of our wines (no additions whatsoever – using native yeast, native ML, unfined, unfiltered)."

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